Junior wing [PrePrimary Section]
The School runs in two buildings, PrePrimary (Junior wing) (PG to UKG) which is situated in heart of the Dabra City. The building is spacious with fully air cooled rooms, lots of rides, Toys, Gamesforthetinytots.
Class room:-
Our Classrooms have a seating capacity of 25, are spacious and well ventilated with sufficient natural and artificial lighting with designed furniture and ample of teaching aids artistically displayed facilitating the A learning process.
Toy room:-
Spacious toy room with lots of rides, toys and games.
A patent homework policy are all part of the core compete ncies of BPS. Jobsheets based on topics are provided time to time.
Digital class:-
It comes Pre — loaded with thousands of learning elements such as animations diagrams, stimulations, videos, 3D Interactivity worksheets etc which are all designed to insure superior teaching/learning practices. This makes (edrning an enjoyable experience for students while improving their overall academic performances.
Dedicated and experienced staff with their diverse educational and personal background bring to the campus a rich variety knowledge.
Transport :-
The school has complete transport facilities with mobile phone covering all areas of dabra. Parents will be given the mobile number of the van, their child travels by which can be contacted incase of delay.
Parent Teacher Meet:-
P.T.M. will be held on last Saturday of every month between 10:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m.The main benefit of the PTM is to see the performance and of childs development.
Academics :-
The academics in BPS are designed such as to create tomorrows global citizens with the play — way Montessori, Phonics and theme based method of teaching in pre- pnmary Section.
Co — Curricular Activity:-
Co — Curricular activities play an important role in enhancement of students personality. School is laying emphasis on conduct of competition and competence building In activities, competition like fancy dress, Enghsh/Hindi recitation with props, perfect writing. Dance. Role play and many more are conducted time to time.
Cultural activities and celebration:-
Various religious festival are celebrated with great enthusiasm. National festivals are celebrated to pay tributes to our National heroes by wonderful performances by Students Important days like Teacher’s day. Children’s day, Mother’s day, Grandparents ‘day, New year celebration etc are celebrated with active participation of students & Teachers.