- Nurture talent
- Cultivate disciplined life
- Inculcate patriotism
- Instil Good social conduct
- Develop High moral Values.

To Prepare children to become self – reliant productive individuals with clarity precision and independence. The main purpose of the School is to provide education which will be non-stressful, relaxed, joyful, disciplined and secular, learning atmosphere.

Our aim is not just to create a another face in the crowd, but to nurture each students in to developing a personality which has the resolve to do the nation proud love, tolerance, brotherhood, humanity, patriotism, sensitivity to the environment nationalism and to take up cudgels on behalf of the under privileged are the hall marks of our students.
General Objectives
- To make the children feel wanted and loved in order to fulfill their emotional needs.
- To enhance language ability by using language skills.
- To Foster independence and self – reliance in daily activities in order to promote free growth of personality.
- To stimulate muscles by content use ie physical & motor development.
- To help children in their social development.
- To facilitate development of cognitive skills.
- To encourage children to develop their own creativity ability & to give opportunity to express their creativity.
- To inculcate positive value ie moral development through prayers, poems and stories.
- To initiate the child towards aesthetic appreciation.